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Valentine’s Day – Just Another Commercial Holiday?

Valentine’s Day – Just Another Commercial Holiday?

Feb 18th 2022

by Lori Torman

love me valentines day holiday

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, will you be participating in the loving celebration’s or do you hold the seat of the party which thinks that Valentine’s Day is nothing more than a commercial holiday meant only to line corporate pockets?

Valentine’s Day is not some new Hollywood fad or a movie that only Americans celebrate. Valentine’s Day has been around since the Chaucer days and has always been a way to celebrate romantic love. Of course, movies and occasion card companies have expanded upon this idea and turned Valentine’s Day into something more. This something more, makes some people feel like they need to spend a bunch of money on gifts to show their love interests and partners how much they care.

However, that’s not really the point of Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is meant to be a day which celebrates romantic love and affection. However it is that you choose to express those feelings is up to you. You most certainly do not have to rush out to the jewelry store and buy a giant shimmering diamond to express your emotions. Of course marketing campaigns for those companies will promote Valentine’s Day heavily because that’s already a busy time of the year for them as people naturally like to buy rings and various types of jewelry to express a loving sentiment.

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Some people will argue that Valentine’s Day is now tainted due to years of commercial marketing campaigns and because of this, they choose to not celebrate it in any way. As a matter of fact, many people who hold this mindset often remark upon how much they dislike Valentine’s Day.

On the other hand, there are people who choose to celebrate this holiday not by buying expensive gifts, but by creating something extraordinary out of ordinary items. Or by taking the time to do something meaningful for the person they love such as cleaning their house or cooking dinner for them. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be about material gifts.

Here at Thoughtful Impressions, we’re of the mindset that Valentine’s Day is a special day meant to celebrate love and it doesn’t necessarily require purchasing expensive gifts. We sell a variety of affordable personalized gifts for men and women and suggest for everyone to express their love through words and charity on this day.

Happy Valentine’s Day!